From Angie at The Ritz-Carlton, Dubai


Watch From Angie. She lives at The Ritz-Carlton, Dubai. At the age of 26. You will not be able to ignore her black and Curly lovely hair and her unique and shiny golden eyes. Dressed Casual. She works as a jeweler for her living. Take a look on her Lollipop body style. Her dad is a pilot and her mom is a judge. Here is her Instagram Profile, follow her:

LifestyleKaftansโœจ@angelacid Dubai based ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ช FindUs @MOE @cluboyo NYC๐ŸŽ @ever_after_boutique_ny Marbella ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡ธ @elanclathecornermarbella

From Angie,summercollection,wrapdress,salmon,ootd,summer,eidholidays,fashion,wardrobe,lookoftheday,womenswear,summerdresses,newcollection,fromangiedresses
From Angie,ramadancollection,tunics,kaftans,ramadanedition,vibrant,blessedmonth,ramadan21,kaftanlovers,elegant,feminine,middleeast,uae,dubai
From Angie,ramadannights,ramadancollection,elegance,feminine,womenswear,shirtdress,kaftanlovers

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